Would you like to get eco-friendly flooring that will lessen your carbon footprint, and will contain recycled content that is perfect for the flooring in your home that uses low VOCs? There are different degrees of this type of flooring that you can choose from.
This is actually better than some renewable resources simply because it is harvested, specifically the bark from the tree.
If you do get recycled Cork floors, this is waste Cork material, typically that which is used for wine stoppers.
Back in the 1930s, a law was passed in order to prevent Cork from being harvested sooner than nine years. Every tree that is harvested must reach a circumference of 60 cm before harvesting can occur. Doing this will prevent the tree from being damaged when the cork is harvested.
Bamboo is a renewable resource that can reach maturation and three years
It does not need to be replanted to regenerate
It requires just small amounts of pesticides and fertilization
there is an Institute that has stated: minimizing the impact of carpet on the environment must focus on the 3Rs which represent recycling, reuse, and reduction. Once it is reach the end of its life, it can be recycled into a wide variety of different products, which can include railroad ties, roofing shingles, and even automotive parts.
There are certain factors that will determine if it is actually regarded as green: VOC emissions, toxicity, the carpet fibers themselves, the dye that is used, and how much of it represents recycled content.
The Green Label Plus, as well as the Green Label, originating from the Rug and Carpet Institute, ensures that you can get the lowest emissions from carpet, adhesive, and any questions that are used on these products.
The replanting of forests
Natural Resource
Healthy Home Environment Suitability
This material is made from all-natural materials
linoleum can be obtained in great abundance from natural raw materials: cork flour, wood flour, linseed oil, and may also originate from ecologically derived pigments.
Once this material is extracted and harvested, it should take very little energy. The primary energy that issues comes from the sun. Trees and plants from which the linoleum originates references how this can help reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, contribute to more oxygen production, and reduce overall greenhouse gases that are released into the atmosphere.
It can be recycled
When you incinerate linoleum, this represents a certain amount of energy that is often used during the production phase.
Much of the linoleum that is produced can be used in landfills or refuse sites, and this is where it can go through the decomposition process.
Linoleum is typically biodegradable, and will not release substances into the air which are harmful including dioxins and chlorine.
All of the adhesives that are used are 100% solvent free and will also meet VOC requirements at the lowest levels
This material will not require any type of maintenance from toxic chemicals
There is no trace of toxicity in linoleum and it can be very beneficial toward achieving good air quality.
Some will contain recycled content
Primarily Long lasting and not replaced frequently
It will require little maintenance
Ceramic Tiles
It will rarely release emissions